Upper Arun Hydro-electric Limited (UAHEL) is a subsidiary company of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) established in 2017. There are three members in the Board of Directors (BoD) at present. The majority share (68%) of the Company is hold by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), and 32% by Public Share. The upper Arun Hydroelectric project is the national priority project and when it is completed, it will be the largest hydroelectric plant in Nepal.
The following hydropower projects are in the study phase under this company:
1061 MW-Upper Arun Hydroelectric Project (UAHEP).
40 MW-Ikhuwa Khola Hydro power Project (IKHEP).
Upper Arun Hydroelectric Project:
Upper Arun Hydroelectric Project is a peaking run of river hydroelectric project capable of supplying peak power for minimum of 6 hours daily and located on the Arun River, a tributary of the Saptakoshi River in the Eastern Development Region of Nepal. The Project site is located about 70 km north of Khandbari, the district headquarters, and about 200 km due east of the national capital, Kathmandu. The power will be evacuated through a 6 km long 220 kV double circuit transmission line to Haitar sub-station of Arun Hub. . Geographically, the project lies within 27o 38’ 24” N to 27o 48’ 9” N Latitude and 87o 20’ 30” E to 87o 30’ 00” E Longitude.
Ikhuwa Khola Hydropower Project:
Ikhuwa Khola Hydropower Project is a run of river hydropower project with installed capacity of 40 MW and located on the Ikhuwa Khola River, a tributary of Arun River in the Eastern Development Region of Nepal. The project is located in PawaKhola VDC of Sankhuwasabha District in Sankhuwasabha district and it is located approximately about 700 km east of Kathmandu and approximately 300 km north of Biratnagar. Geographically, the project lies within 27o 35’ 07” N to 27o 37’ 12” N Latitude and 87o 21’ 16” E to 87o 25’ 07” E Longitude.
Objective of UAHEL:
1) To plan, study, construct, generate, operate and Manage hydropower projects including Upper Arun hydroelectric project and Ikhuwa Khola Hydropower Project.
2) To carry out all the activities related to generation, transmission, and distribution of Electricity.
3) To construct substations and transmission lines as required for distribution of uninterrupted electricity.
4) To import / export electricity generated electricity to the Domestic and International market.